Francisco Neves

IBEB (International Bachelor in Economics and Business Economics)

Here you can find the study materials I used for my first year of IBEB. I mostly used flashcards (for active recall and spaced repetition), although I did use notes for Macroeconomics, for example. In order to open the flashcards, you have to download anki and import the deck. The flashcards are in .apkg format, and the notes are pdfs. Don’t hesitate to e-mail me if you would like some study tips or if you have any questions! If you share these resources, please be so kind as to credit the source :)

Accounting (9/10) - Flashcards

Microeconomics (9.4/10) - Flashcards

Macroeconomics (8.4/10) - Notes

Macroeconomics (8.4/10) - Flashcards

Organisation and Strategy (9.1/10) - Flashcards

Applied Statistics 2 (8.7/10) - Notes

International Economics (9.4/10) - Notes

International Economics (9.4/10 - Flashcards

History of Economic Thought (9.4/10) - Flashcards

How I study

When I study, I try to incorporate insights from techniques such as Active Recall and Spaced Repetition, which are not only scientifically proven, but have also worked well for me. Here are some of the videos that I drew inspiration from:

How to study for exams - Evidence-based revision tips

How I Crush Tests and Exams (and you can too)

How to Study for Exams - Spaced Repetition - Evidence-based revision tips

10 Things I Did to Get AAA in my A Levels (A* Revision Tips and Techniques 2018)